Things to Do Before Your Laser Hair Removal Session

Rabia Tingat • Aug 31, 2023

In a world where time is of the essence and effortless beauty is the goal, laser hair removal has emerged as the quintessential solution to the age-old battle against unwanted hair. No more daily shaving, painful waxing sessions, or cumbersome tweezing marathons. Laser hair removal offers a promise of enduring smoothness, and its popularity has soared in recent years, drawing individuals from all walks of life into its radiant embrace.


However, while the allure of a hair-free existence is undeniable, there's a crucial secret to unlocking the true potential of laser hair removal: preparation. It's the backstage ritual that ensures your performance on the laser stage is nothing short of sensational. Proper preparation is not just a recommendation; it's the golden ticket to a successful session. If you are ready to finally ditch the razor and wax strips, buckle up because we are about to go on a wild ride through the essential "Things to Do Before Your Laser Hair Removal Session." It's time to unveil the secrets to silky, hair-free skin that lasts.

Get Familiar With the Basics of Laser Hair Removal 

Laser hair removal might sound like something from the future, but it's actually quite straightforward. A small but powerful beam of laser light is directed at your unwanted hair. The dark pigment within the hair absorbs this laser light, converting it into heat. This heat damages the hair follicle, the root responsible for hair growth. When the follicle sustains this damage, it becomes incapable of regenerating new hair.


Now, why do people go for laser hair removal? Well, there are some great reasons:

  • Laser hair removal offers a more permanent solution compared to shaving or waxing. You won't need to worry about those daily or monthly hair-removal routines anymore.
  • After a few sessions, your skin can become really smooth. No more prickly stubble, and you won't see hair popping up for a long time.
  • Think about all the time you spend shaving or going to waxing appointments. With laser hair removal, you'll save a lot of time in the long run.
  • It's often less painful than waxing, which can be quite uncomfortable. Laser hair removal might cause some slight discomfort, but it's usually manageable.
  • Shaving and waxing can sometimes lead to ingrown hairs, those irritating bumps. Laser hair removal reduces the chance of these pesky bumps.

So, laser hair removal is a clever way to get rid of unwanted hair by using laser light to stop hair growth. And people love it because it saves time, reduces the need for painful hair removal methods, and leaves you with beautifully smooth skin.

Consultation and Choosing a Clinic 

Selecting the right clinic is essential for successful laser hair removal, and the process always begins with a consultation. A consultation with a professional, usually a trained technician or dermatologist, allows you to discuss your unique needs and concerns. They'll examine your skin and hair type, ensuring that the treatment plan is tailored specifically for you. What works for one person might not work for another, so this personalized approach is vital.

For laser hair removal, not everyone is a good candidate. Certain skin types or medical conditions might not be compatible with the treatment. During the consultation, the professional will evaluate if you're a suitable candidate or if an alternative method might be better for you. Laser hair removal can seem mysterious if you've never had it done before. The consultation is an opportunity to demystify the process. You'll learn how it works, what to expect during and after each session, and any potential side effects.


Now, let's talk about how to choose the right clinic:

Check Credentials: Ensure that the clinic is staffed with licensed and trained professionals who specialize in laser hair removal. Do not be afraid to inquire about their credentials.

Read Reviews: Online reviews and testimonials from previous clients can give you insight into the clinic's reputation and the quality of their service.

Safety First: Confirm that the clinic follows strict safety protocols. They should provide protective eyewear during the procedure and maintain a clean, sterile environment.

Technology Matters: Inquire about the type of laser equipment they use. Modern machines are generally safer and more effective.

Transparent Pricing: Understand the pricing structure and make sure there are no hidden fees. Reputable clinics are usually transparent about costs.


Ask Questions: Don't be afraid to ask questions during your consultation. Inquire about the technician's experience, the number of sessions you'll need, and any potential risks.

Visit Before Committing: If possible, visit the clinic in person before scheduling your appointment. This will give you a sense of their professionalism and the atmosphere of the clinic.

Choosing the right clinic and having a thorough consultation can make a significant difference in the safety and effectiveness of your laser hair removal journey. It's your body, so taking these steps is well worth the effort.

Pre-Session Preparation

Successful laser hair removal relies heavily on one's ability to plan ahead. The journey towards silky, hair-free skin starts long before you walk into the clinic. It's a process that demands patience and foresight. Starting your preparation well in advance is not merely a suggestion; it's a pivotal step in ensuring that your laser hair removal session goes off without a hitch.

One of the paramount aspects of this preparation is steering clear of sun exposure and tanning. This isn't just a minor detail; it can make or break the effectiveness and safety of your laser treatment. Here's why it's so crucial:


Avoid Sun Exposure and Tanning

Laser hair removal operates on a simple principle: it targets the dark pigment within your hair follicles, without harming the surrounding skin. However, this principle comes with a caveat - it works best when there's a clear contrast between your skin tone and your hair color. That's where sun exposure and tanning come into play.

When your skin gets tanned, either from natural sunlight or tanning beds, it darkens. While this might give you a lovely sun-kissed glow, it can spell trouble for laser hair removal. The laser has a harder time distinguishing between your darkened skin and the hair it needs to target. As a result, it might not be as effective, or worse, it could unintentionally target your skin, leading to discomfort and potential complications. Furthermore, tanned skin is often more sensitive, making the laser treatment more uncomfortable. It can also increase the risk of side effects like redness or blistering.

The significance of avoiding sun exposure and tanning is crystal clear. It ensures that your skin remains in the best possible condition for laser hair removal, optimizing both safety and effectiveness. So, as you prepare for your journey towards smoother skin, remember: embrace the shade and protect your skin from the sun's allure. Your future self, with hair-free and radiant skin, will thank you for it.

Shaving, Not Waxing

One important rule to keep in mind when getting ready for your laser hair removal session is to shave, do not wax, or pluck. This might seem counterintuitive, but there's a very good reason behind it.


When you shave, you're only trimming the hair at the surface, leaving the hair follicle intact beneath your skin. This is exactly what you want for laser hair removal. The laser needs the dark pigment within the hair follicle to work its magic. If you wax or pluck, you'll remove the hair from the root, and that follicle won't have any pigment left for the laser to target. This can render the treatment less effective and may require more sessions to achieve the desired results.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Properly Shave for Laser Hair Removal:

  • You'll need a clean, sharp razor, shaving cream or gel, warm water, and a towel.
  • If your hair is particularly long, it's a good idea to trim it down with scissors or clippers. This prevents clogging your razor and ensures a smoother shave.
  • Soak in a warm bath or shower for a few minutes to soften the hair and open up your pores. This makes shaving easier and lessens the chance of irritation.
  • Shaving cream or gel should be liberally applied to the desired shaving area. This creates a protective barrier and helps the razor glide smoothly.
  • Shave beginning with the direction in which your hair grows. For most people, this means shaving downward. Inflammation risks are increased when shaving against the grain.
  • Let the razor do the work; there's no need to press hard. Use light, even strokes.
  • Rinse the razor often to prevent clogging and ensure a close shave.
  • Don't rush. Shaving too quickly can lead to nicks and irritation.
  • After you're done, rinse off any remaining shaving cream and pat the area dry with a clean towel. Avoid rubbing, as this can irritate the skin.
  • Don't use any perfumed products or harsh chemicals on the freshly shaved area. Keep it clean and free from potential irritants.

By following these steps, you'll have prepared your skin perfectly for a successful laser hair removal session. Keep in mind, it's all about keeping those hair follicles intact and ready for the laser's magic, so shaving is your pre-session best friend.

Avoid Certain Products

Before your laser hair removal session, it's essential to be mindful of the products you use on your skin. Some skincare and cosmetic products can cause complications during the treatment process. Here's a list of products to steer clear of and why they can be problematic for laser hair removal.

Tanning Products: Self-tanners, bronzers, and tanning sprays are a no-go before your laser appointment. These products can darken your skin, creating a challenge for the laser. The laser works by targeting the contrast between your hair and your skin, and when your skin is artificially tanned, it can't effectively distinguish between the two. This can result in a less effective treatment and potentially increase the risk of side effects.

Scented Lotions and Creams: While these might smell delightful, scented lotions and creams often contain chemicals and fragrances that can irritate the skin when exposed to laser energy. Irritated skin is more sensitive, making the laser treatment more uncomfortable. In some cases, it can lead to redness, burning sensations, or blistering. It's best to opt for fragrance-free and gentle skincare products leading up to your appointment.


Retinoids and Exfoliants: Products containing retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), and other exfoliating agents should be avoided for at least a week before your session. These products can make your skin more sensitive and prone to irritation when exposed to laser energy. They can also increase the risk of post-treatment complications like hyperpigmentation or scarring.

Topical Anesthetics: While it might seem like a good idea to use numbing creams or gels to ease potential discomfort, it's essential to consult with your technician before applying any numbing products. Some numbing agents can interfere with the laser's effectiveness. If numbing is deemed necessary, your technician will provide specific guidelines on when and how to apply these products.

Stay Hydrated and Moisturized

Hydration and moisturization play a vital role in preparing your skin for laser hair removal. Well-hydrated skin is more supple and less prone to irritation. Drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your session can help ensure your skin is in its best condition. Also, applying a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer regularly can help maintain skin health. Just be sure to avoid moisturizing on the day of your treatment to ensure the laser can work effectively.

Wear Appropriate Clothing

On the day of your laser hair removal session, choose clothing that is comfortable and allows easy access to the treatment area. Loose-fitting clothing is ideal, as it won't rub against your skin after the procedure. Depending on the area being treated, you might be asked to wear a specific type of clothing or change into a provided gown at the clinic. Comfort and accessibility are key for a smooth and hassle-free laser session.

Pain Management

Concerns about pain during laser hair removal are common, but it's usually a manageable discomfort. Some describe it as a snapping or tingling sensation. To ease any discomfort, you can consider applying a numbing cream before the session, but consult with your technician first., Taking over-the-counter pain relievers an hour before can help. Deep breathing and focusing on your breathing during the procedure can also reduce discomfort.

Arrive on Time and Prepared

Arriving punctually for your laser hair removal appointment is crucial. Clinics often have tightly scheduled sessions, and being late can disrupt the schedule. To ensure a smooth experience, make a checklist of things to bring, including your identification, any paperwork or forms the clinic requires, and comfortable clothing. Arriving prepared and on time helps both you and the clinic staff have a stress-free session.

Ask Questions

Don't hesitate to ask any lingering questions during your consultation. Common concerns people have include the number of sessions needed, potential side effects, and the cost. A good clinic will welcome your questions and provide detailed answers to address your concerns. Clear communication ensures you're well-informed and confident about your laser hair removal journey.


The path to a successful and effective laser hair removal session is paved with thoughtful preparation. We've covered a range of essential steps, from understanding the basics of how laser hair removal works to selecting a reputable clinic, shaving instead of waxing, and avoiding certain skincare products. Staying hydrated, dressing comfortably, managing potential discomfort, arriving on time, and asking questions during your consultation are all vital aspects of the process. 

Above all, the overarching message is clear: the significance of proper preparation cannot be overstated. It's the secret sauce that ensures your laser hair removal journey is not only efficient but also safe and comfortable. By adhering to these guidelines and being proactive in your preparation, you're setting the stage for a smoother, hair-free future that's just a laser session away. So, embrace the process, prioritize your skin's well-being, and get ready to say goodbye to unwanted hair for good.


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